Click on the [AR] icon at the top right to view this AR in your living room or on top of your office desk. No Marker needed.
Let’s Augment your Reality
Whether a brand or an individual everyone is augmenting something or the other in their real life. Be it Sales reports, Weather reports, Products showcase or Art, Fashion Models walking the ramp on a busy street, or making people’s faces blemish-free through Snap Chat or Instagram Filters, augment reality has reached people’s living room. Hence, it is a no-brainer that Augmented Reality nowadays has become extremely important both in B2B & B2C market. Adding to this, the social distancing norm has forced many clothing and fashion brands as well as furniture brands to move to AR, so that they can take their products directly to their customer’s homes. ECommerce businesses are relying heavily on AR to sell their products.
It’s now a need of the hour to jump into the AR bandwagon. There is no turning back.
Is your business AR ready?
AR & VR services that fit your budget

Marker Based or Non-Marker Based Augmented Reality Solutions
Gone are the days when you had to laboriously scan a marker to pop a 3D AR model or Animation. Nowadays AR is markerless, scan less. It adapts to the environment and can pop up data and graphics in thin air. Companies like Ikea, Raymond Textiles, Cheetos, McDonald’s, Pepsi, etc. have already taken advantage of AR. What are you waiting for?
Experience the IMmersive VR Web
This one is right from your Science Fiction novel. How about this, if we tell you that now you can browse a website being right inside the website? Amazing, isn’t it? Yes Web VR and Web XR are two new-age solutions that can help you to browse an eCommerce website right being inside the website.
Chlorosynth’s expert developers and UX team can help you achieve your dream Immersive VR website.

Have a project to discuss? Let’s meet over a cup of coffee or tea or if you prefer over a video call.